Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 13/12/2017

Sumatran tigers cling to survival in fragmented forests

The study, published in the journal 'Nature Communications', was funded by the National Geographic Society

A research expedition tracked endangered tigers through the Sumatran jungles for a year and found tigers are clinging to survival in low density populations. Their findings have renewed fears about the possible extinction of the elusive predators.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 11/12/2017

Artificial Intelligence and accessible theater for the deaf and blind

Researchers at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) have developed pioneering technology, called Stage-sync, so that people with visual and auditory impairment can enjoy musical stage shows.

This new technology from UC3M’s SoftLab research group has been implemented to give accessibility to the Broadway musical comedy “The Addams Family” at the Teatro Calderón of Madrid. The creative agency C&W, COMUNICAdos and Escena Global also collaborated on the project, which received support from the Consejería de Educación e Innovación (Council for Education and Innovation) of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Thanks to this project, individuals with visual and auditory impairment have been able to enjoy any of the performances of this musical comedy since the 3rd of December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This means that over one million deaf people in Spain can, for the first time in their lives, attend an important, high-quality musical such as this.

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Health Argentina  ARGENTINA 11/12/2017

New consortium to work on AIDS-related tumors

Researchers from the Fundación Huésped, and the University of Miami formed an international consortium funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study this subject.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) under the scope of the NIH has recently announced the granting of a funding program for the international consortium formed by Argentine and USA researchers to study human cancer subjects related to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

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Nutrition Spain  SALAMANCA 05/12/2017

Clays to improve industrial waters treatment

Researcher from the University of Salamanca disigne a contaminants adsorbent system to be implemented in pharmaceutical and food industries

Although industries must treat contaminated water before releasing this pollutants to the environment, the current technology does not completely eliminate some substances coming from the pharmaceutical and food industries. Researchers of the University of Salamanca have tested a new system that can be implemented into current WWTP, using clay columns as an adsorption system.

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Environment Spain  ESPAÑA 05/12/2017

Europe will need to change its diet to address climate change and health

New report from European science academies calls for urgent action on food and nutrition security

Scientists from national academies across Europe are calling for urgent action on food and nutrition in a new rigorous and independent report published today by the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC). This thorough analysis has implications for policy-makers working on food, nutrition, health, the environment, climate change, and agriculture. Combating malnutrition in all its forms – undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies as well as overweight and obesity – is a problem faced by all countries. Research and innovation will be central to finding solutions to these local-global and multidisciplinary, interconnected challenges. Evidence must underpin the policies that deliver Europe’s future approach to these issues. The report recommends being more ambitious in identifying and using scientific opportunities: how the current evidence base can shape understanding of both supply- and demand-side challenges, and how the research agenda should be defined, including basic research, to fill knowledge gaps.

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Nutrition Chile  ATACAMA 01/12/2017

ALMA discovers infant stars surprisingly near galaxy’s supermassive black hole

The results are published in the 'Astrophysical Journal Letters'

At the center of our galaxy, in the immediate vicinity of its supermassive black hole, is a region wracked by powerful tidal forces and bathed in intense ultraviolet light and X-ray radiation. These harsh conditions, astronomers surmise, do not favor star formation, especially low-mass stars like our Sun. Surprisingly, new observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) suggest otherwise.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 01/12/2017

New system uses drones to monitor railroads

This innovation makes it possible to reduce costs and increase the train safety

SigmaRail, a company supported by the Universidad Carlos III Science Park, has created a system that uses drones and a new computer program to make automatic inspections of railroads. This innovation, which geolocates possible incidents on rail corridors, makes it possible to reduce costs and increase the train safety.

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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 30/11/2017

New perforated plate for chemical industries

A research project from the University of Salamanca improves the efficiency of processes such as distillation and absorption in chemical industries

Researchers at the University of Salamanca have developed a new design for perforated plates. Metal plates with holes that are usually integrated in the facilities of various chemical industries specialised in compounds separation processes, such as distillation and absorption. Through a proof of concept, scientists have demonstrated experimentally that the model they propose is more efficient than conventional dishes.



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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 23/11/2017

A tool to classify political opinions on Twitter

The University of Salamanca has developed a real-time tuit classifier that works in the cloud through an automatic learning process

Social networks have become a prime space for public debate and among them Twitter especially stands out in the field of politics. Some computer tools already analyze trends and opinions. The University of Salamanca has developed a messages classifier that allows to know in real time the positive and negative evaluations of the users.

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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 21/11/2017

Tropical tree roots represent an underappreciated carbon pool

The authors hope that future estimates of carbon storage and water-use by tropical forests will include information on root biomass and architecture

Ask someone to draw a tree and they will invariably draw a trunk and branches—leaving the roots out of the picture. In a unique study of tropical tree roots at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute published in PLOS ONE, roots accounted for almost 30 percent of the total biomass of young trees. The authors hope that future estimates of carbon storage and water-use by tropical forests will include information on root biomass and architecture.

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Nutrition Spain  MADRID 14/11/2017

¿Why can hot water freeze faster than cold water?

Spanish researchers have discovered this effect in granular media, opening the door to the theoretical understanding of the Mpemba effect

A team of researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the Universidad de Extremadura and the Universidad de Sevilla have defined a theoretical framework that could explain the Mpemba effect, a counterintuitive physical phenomenon revealed when hot water freezes faster than cold water.

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Science Chile  ATACAMA 14/11/2017

Duo of titanic galaxies captured in extreme starbursting merger

The ADFS-27 galaxy pair is located approximately 12.7 billion light-years from Earth in the direction of the Dorado constellation

New observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have uncovered the never-before-seen close encounter between two astoundingly bright and spectacularly massive galaxies in the early Universe. These so-called hyper-luminous starburst galaxies are exceedingly rare at this epoch of cosmic history — near the time when galaxies first formed — and may represent one of the most-extreme examples of violent star formation ever observed.

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Health Venezuela  VENEZUELA 13/11/2017

Stop using antibiotics in healthy animals to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance

A systematic review published today in 'The Lancet Planetary Health' found that interventions that restrict antibiotic use in food-producing animals reduced antibiotic-resistant bacteria in these animals by up to 39%

WHO is recommending that farmers and the food industry stop using antibiotics routinely to promote growth and prevent disease in healthy animals. The new WHO recommendations aim to help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics that are important for human medicine by reducing their unnecessary use in animals. In some countries, approximately 80% of total consumption of medically important antibiotics is in the animal sector, largely for growth promotion in healthy animals.


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Nutrition Argentina  ARGENTINA 08/11/2017

Untangling the family tree of the main groups of dinosaurs

The result was published in Nature in response to the March publication in which the English researchers had proposed a radical change in the family tree of the lineage of those prehistorical animals

In March 2017, a research team led by Matthew Baron of the University of Cambridge published a study in Nature. The scientists had proposed a radical revision on the understanding of the early evolution of dinosaurs and the family tree relationship among them. They suggested that the traditional classification between Ornithischia –bird hipped- and Saurischia – lizard hipped-, was modified.

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Science Chile  ATACAMA 07/11/2017

ALMA discovers cold dust around nearest star

These structures are similar to the much larger belts in the Solar System and are also expected to be made from particles of rock and ice that failed to form planets

The ALMA Observatory in Chile has detected dust around the closest star to the Solar System, Proxima Centauri. These new observations reveal the glow coming from cold dust in a region between one to four times as far from Proxima Centauri as the Earth is from the Sun. The data also hint at the presence of an even cooler outer dust belt and may indicate the presence of an elaborate planetary system. These structures are similar to the much larger belts in the Solar System and are also expected to be made from particles of rock and ice that failed to form planets.

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Science Argentina  ARGENTINA 03/11/2017

The Neanderthals’ last breath

Argentine researchers managed to digitally reconstruct the nasal airflow in Neanderthals and simulate the respiratory cycle under different climatic scenarios

Heavy frosts and severe climates are extreme conditions. How did humans manage to survive the last glaciation? Breathing is the answer. Although this seems to be obvious, a study published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) claims that the internal nasal cavity of humans and Neanderthals –species that occupied extreme cold and dry landscapes– allowed them to warm and moisten the inhaled air. These results are vital to understand how our human lineage managed to resist severe climate conditions during their dispersion through Eurasia at the end of the Pleistocene epoch.

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Science Argentina  ARGENTINA 27/10/2017

For the first time, scientists describe a modern bird family that lived with dinosaurs

Researchers at the CONICET led the study about a group of marine diving birds that inhabited the southern hemisphere

A recent study, published in The Science of Nature and conducted by several researchers of the Council and a colleague of the University of Texas, described for the first time a group of modern birds that survived the Creaceous Palogene mass extinction that occurred 65 millions of years ago and led to the disappearance of the dinosaurs.

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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 24/10/2017

Scientists edit butterfly wing spots and stripes

The WntA gene is part of a small family of genes influencing body plans and other patterns during insect development

An international research team working at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama knocked out a single control gene in the DNA of seven different butterfly species. In the Sept. 18 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences early online edition, they reveal the surprising results of rewiring the WntA gene: a single gene influences the exuberant diversity of butterfly wing patterns in nature.

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Health Brazil  BRASIL 23/10/2017

Research identifies potential targets for treatment of leishmaniasis

Brazilian scientists show that parasite's penetration of host cells increases expression of certain microRNAs capable of inhibiting action of immune system.

Researchers at the Bioscience Institute of the University of São Paulo (IB-USP), in Brazil, are starting to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which the parasite that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis manages to circumvent the host organism’s defenses and infect new cells.

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Technology Europa  EUROPE 02/11/2016

Privacy policies and data protection regarding online business, security and human rights under debate

Key experts and policy makers meet in Prague during Mapping Second General Assembly

Over 80 experts, policy and decision makers from areas such as online business, security and fundamental human rights have met in Prague during Mapping Second General Assembly. The international debate includes a variety of topics, related with existing and emerging business models as impacted by the General Data Protection Regulation, law enforcement and Intelligence agency perspectives; the interplay between privacy and intellectual property, critical infrastructures and challenges to freedom of expression.


First event Mapping project.


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