Health Mexico  MÉXICO 21/03/2014

Wastewater to be treated with bio additives

Researchers at the Tecnológico de Monterrey's Water Center for Latin America and the Caribbean have received a CONACYT grant to conduct research on optimizing wastewater treatment processes by using enzymes and fungi

In mainstream wastewater treatment, separating the sludge and the treated water is done by withdrawing less dense liquid from a solid or dense liquid, in a process known as decantation. However, very frequently the sludge does not have the necessary conditions to allow decanting, severely handicapping the effectiveness of a treatment plant's treatment process.

Investigadores del Centro del Agua para América Latina y el Caribe presentaron ante CONACYT la propuesta �Evaluación de la acción de bio-aditivos (hongos y enzimas) sobre la decantación y deshidratación de lodos�.
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Technology Colombia  BOGOTÁ D.C. 19/03/2014

Adhesive bands will now be biodegradable and more effective against pain

Water helps the biofilm stick to the skin and at the same time degrade until it slowly disappears and the patient doesn’t need to take it off

Each time someone has a small injury they appeal to adhesive bands to protect the wound. Now researchers are raising the possibility of making an adhesive film which will speed up scar formation, reduce pain and bleeding. Furthermore this film was also conceived for protecting the environment after being used as it degradation is complete after use given its biodegradable components. Each time someone has a small injury they appeal to adhesive bands to protect the wound. Now researchers are raising the possibility of making an adhesive film which will speed up scar formation, reduce pain and bleeding. Furthermore this film was also conceived for protecting the environment after being used as it degradation is complete after use given its biodegradable components.

Desarrollan tiritas biodegradables y efectivas contra el dolor. FOTO: UN.
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Health Colombia  BOGOTÁ D.C. 18/03/2014

Enzymes seem to be essential in latent bacteria which produce tuberculosis

Tuberculosis sky-rocketed with HIV and currently is the most lethal infectious disease which produces more bacterial sourced deaths in the world.

The UNal Microbacteria Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Group (BBMM, for its Spanish acronym) was the first to research ATPase enzymes of the tuberculosis bacillus when nobody thought they were important. After the work of the BBMM group several United States and French research groups, such as the Pasteur Institute have become interested in these enzymes.

Mycobacterium colombiense. FOTO: UN.
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Nutrition Argentina  ARGENTINA 14/03/2014

Tracing the steps of a giant

Argentine and British researchers digitally recreated the gait of the Argentinosaurus huinculensis, a forty metres long and eighty tonnes dinosaur

How could these animals move around in spite of their size? This is the question that a group of scientists of different countries tried to answer. Among them was Rodolfo Coria, Independent researcher of CONICET at theInstituteofPaleobiologyand Geology (IIPByG, UNRN).

Reconstrucción digital del movimiento del Argentinosaurus. Foto: Bill Sellers, The University of Manchester.
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Technology Chile  ATACAMA 13/03/2014

Experts from around the world review more than 1,300 observation proposals for ALMA

78 world-leading experts in their area of astronomical research are meeting near Toronto, Canada

This week, 78 world-leading experts in their area of astronomical research are meeting near Toronto, Canada, to scientifically evaluate the 1,381 proposals received for Cycle 2 Early Science observations with the radio telescope, which represent a demand of more than 7.000 hours of observation. In this cycle, about 1,700 hours of observation are to be distributed among the selected proposals.

Proyecto ALMA. Crédito fotografía: "a.l.m.a.", © Michael Najjar, 2014, 132 x 202 cm, courtesy by the artist.
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Social Sciences Chile  ATACAMA 12/03/2014

‘Death Stars’ in Orion Blast Planets before They Even Form

A team of astronomers from Canada and the United States has used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to study the often deadly relationship between highly luminous O-type stars and nearby protostars in the Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula is home to hundreds of young stars and even younger protostars known as proplyds. Many of these nascent systems will go on to develop planets, while others will have their planet-forming dust and gas blasted away by the fierce ultraviolet radiation emitted by massive O-type stars that lurk nearby.

Ilustración de dos discos protoplanetarios, o protoestrellas, alrededor de una estrella masiva de tipo O. Créditos: NRAO/AUI/NSF; B. Saxton.
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Technology Spain  MADRID 11/03/2014

Searching for faster, more efficient and sustainable parallel computing

An European research project is studying how to improve parallel computing applications

An European research project, named REPARA and coordinated by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), is studying how to improve parallel computing applications to increase their performance and energy efficiency, as well as easing programming and source code maintenance.

Programación web. Imagen: UC3M.
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Nutrition Colombia  BOGOTÁ D.C. 11/03/2014

Worn out paper money could be used for decontamination

In Colombia high-denomination bills have a useful life which ranges from one to two years and four months

Worn out bills will now have a second useful life. They may be turned into material which would help decontaminate wastewater and remove pollutants from the environment. When a bill deteriorates it is destroyed in high speed machines which chop it into small confetti-size pieces. This waste is handled differently in each country; although common practice is to dispose it in sanitary landfills or incineration.

Billetes. FOTO: UN.
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Social Sciences Chile  CHILE 07/03/2014

ALMA sees wreckage of comet collisions in nearby solar system

The new results are published today in the journal 'Science'

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope in northern Chile have today announced the discovery of an unexpected clump of carbon monoxide gas in the dusty disc around the star Beta Pictoris. This is a surprise, as such gas is expected to be rapidly destroyed by the star’s UV radiation. Something — probably frequent collisions between small, icy objects such as comets — must be causing the gas to be continuously replenished. The new results are published today in the journal Science.

Recreación del choque de cometas. FOTO: ALMA.
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Nutrition Colombia  ANTIOQUIA 06/03/2014

New study suggests that people of African descent are more resistant to DHF

Researchers from the University of Antioquia have revealed a putative role for the genetic ancestry in the development of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The study suggests that people of predominantly African ancestry are more resistant to DHF infection

Juan Camilo Chacón, 25, who has a MA in Biology from the University of Antioquia, is the co-author of this groundbreaking study. Chacón's brothers died from cystic fibrosis, an incurable hereditary disorder, which caused him to become interested in genetics. Chacón has a master’s degree in biology and is currently pursuing a PhD in Evolutionary Genetics at University College London (UCL). He is also a member of the Molecular Genetics Research Group (GENMOL) at the University of Antioquia. In addition, Chacón received honorable mention from the National Academy of Medicine in 2013 for his research proposal The relationship between ancestral genetic composition and dengue fever in Colombian population samples, which he wrote as part of his master’s thesis while finishing his MSc in Biology at the University of Antioquia.

Juan Camilo Chacón Duque tiene 25 años y cursa un doctorado en Génética Evolutiva en la Universidad College London, en Inglaterra. FOTO: UDEA.
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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 04/03/2014

Risky ripples: Frog´s love song may summon kiss of death

This project, published in Science, was made possible with funds from STRI, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research

Male Túngara frogs call from puddles to attract females. The production of the call incidentally creates ripples that spread across the water. Researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama revealed that these ripples are used by other male frogs to assess the level of competition in the puddle. Unfortunately for the frogs, their main predator, the frog-eating bat, senses the ripples too, making the frogs easier targets.

El murciélago que se alimenta de ranas, el Trachops cirrhosus, utiliza varios sentidos distintos para localizar a su presa, la rana Túngara, Physalemus pustulosus. Crédito de imagen: Christian Ziegler
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Culture Spain  MADRID 03/03/2014

Journalists use social networks, but they don’t trust them

The ones that are most used are Facebook and Twitter, mainly to publish information about the media outlet where they work

The majority of Spanish journalists use social networks in their daily work although they do not trust them. This is one of the main conclusions drawn from research done at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid (UC3M) that analyzes how communication professionals make use of these platforms.

Redes sociales. Imagen: UC3M.
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Technology Spain  MADRID 27/02/2014

Robotic technology in the service of fashion

Two companies receiving support from the Business Incubator in Universidad Carlos III in Madrid’s (UC3M) Science Park are innovating the field of fashion

Two companies receiving support from the Business Incubator in Universidad Carlos III in Madrid’s (UC3M) Science Park are innovating the field of fashion by using technology based in robotics. Samsamia is launching a mobile application – Dresscovery – that identifies a bag just by taking a photo of it, while beMee is creating a system, called Proximus, that locates people visiting a shopping mall in order to better serve them.

Aplicación para moda. Foto: UC3M.
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Health Argentina  ARGENTINA 26/02/2014

Pioneers in the implementation of superselective intraocular chemotherapy

They improved a technique that increases the chances of sight preservation in retinoblastoma, which represents 15% of cancer cases in children under one year

An interdisciplinary team of scientists from different institutions and specializations managed to develop and apply in Argentina a superselective infusion technique of intraocular chemotherapy for treatment of advanced retinoblastoma. The availability of this therapy at the J.P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital makes it the third institute worldwide in terms of the number of treated patients and a pioneer in the implementation of this technique in Latin America.

Schaiquevich y Chantada en su laboratorio. Foto: CONICET fotografía.
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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 25/02/2014

Introduction through Panama Canal? Pacific jingle shell found in caribbean

The 50-mile (80-kilometer) Panama Canal has been transited more than one million times since its inauguration almost 100 years ago, potentially providing organisms with endless opportunities to stow away on the vessels of international trade

In 2009 a team of STRI researchers raised sea-critter covered PVC plates from a marina in Limón Bay on Panama’s Caribbean coast and found something unexpected: Peruvian jingle shells, bivalves native to the Pacific. In subsequent years the small creature, known for its thin and iridescent shells, appeared on settlement plates in other locations around the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal.

Bivalvos del Pacífico se han introducido a través del Canal de Panamá. FOTO: STRI.
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Nutrition Colombia  COLOMBIA 24/02/2014

“Wild oregano” and its antiviral oils production maximized

Medicinal plants, herbs and spices continue to be the tools most used by Colombians for treating illnesses and diseases

Lippia also known as “Bushy Matgrass” or “wild oregano” has elevated contents of carvacrol y thymol; chemical substances with antiviral, antifungal and bactericide properties. As stated by UNal-Palmira Medicinal Plant Research Group Director Professor Manuel Sánchez, who has successfully obtained greater yields of this recognized plant using a nitrogen fertilizer, specifically urea.

Orégano de monte. FOTO: UN.
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Technology Mexico  MÉXICO 21/02/2014

Smart shock-absorbers to avert accidents, on and off the road

Car accidents due to damaged roads or industrial accidents due to failure control flaws could be a thing of the past thanks to Tecnológico de Monterrey researchers who have created smart shock absorber and surveillance systems

According to the WHO, over 2% of world deaths are related to car accidents caused by drivers losing control at high speeds over rough roads. These accidents could be avoided by an automatic monitoring and diagnostic of mechanical system malfunction.

Dr. Rubén Morales Menendez and his pupils build an automatic control by using electro-rheological dampers, which change their dynamic behavior by varying electric current. FOTO: ITESM.
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Technology Colombia  CALDAS 19/02/2014

Microorganisms could help seal cement cracks

In the near future researchers will embark on tests such as adding bacteria to cement mixtures and making cement cubes in order to test them against cubes without calcite

Isolating microorganisms which form calcite (calcium carbonate crystals), scientists are researching producing material which could provide greater durability to cement. These types of microorganisms could help seal micro-fissures in the internal structure of bio-cement in an eco-friendly manner. When cement mixture is prepared small air-filled voids remain.

Material que aporta mayor durabilidad al cemento. FOTO: UN.
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Space Chile  ATACAMA 13/02/2014

Astronomers discovered a drastic chemical change in the birth of a planetary system

As a result of the observations, Sakai et al. have found that carbon-chain molecules and their related species such as cyclic-C3H2 almost completely disappear in the gas phase

So far, the interstellar matter was believed to be smoothly brought into a gas disk forming a planetary system as it is. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a team led by Dr. Nami Sakai has been able to observe a drastic chemical change associated with the formation of the disk around the young protostar L1527 in the Taurus molecular cloud.

Gracias al Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), un equipo de astrónomos encabezado por la Dra. Nami Sakai observó una drástica transformación en la nube molecular de Taurus.  FOTO: ALMA.
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Health Argentina  ARGENTINA 11/02/2014

Scientists prove that reducing the expression of a protein in the liver might attenuate liver fibrosis

CONICET researchers proved the active role of the SPARC protein in liver fibrosis. A potential therapy for liver diseases

Guillermo Mazzolini Rizzo, hepatologist and CONICET independent researcher at the Gene Therapy Laboratory of the School of Biomedical Sciences of the Austral University in Buenos Aires, has been studying for ten years the role of the osteonectin protein, or SPARC, in the hepatic fibrosis, a process that progressively replaces the hepatic tissue with fibrous tissue, caused by different pathologies, and thus it could lead to cirrhosis.

El médico hepatólogo e investigador Guillermo Mazzolini. Foto: gentileza investigador.
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